Book Publishing Secrets with Jens Boele #books #bookpublishing

Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.” Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane. Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers alike. Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity. 

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📙 Thank you for your time in answering our questions about getting published.  Let’s begin by having you explain to us why you decided to become an author and pen this book?

Jens: Thank you for having me—it's a pleasure! My journey into writing began at a young age, likely during my childhood when friends and I immersed ourselves in pen and paper roleplaying games like D&D. I was captivated by the allure of fictional worlds, filled with fantastical creatures and heroic tales. Inspired by renowned authors such as Tolkien and Stephen King, who masterfully crafted their own literary universes, I embarked on my own storytelling endeavors.

One of my earliest attempts at writing was a draft centered around a group of Viking misfits embarking on adventures in the Caribbean—complete with the unconventional addition of Orcs as allies, forming a unique Viking-Orc-Pirate Crew. Although the concept may seem comical in retrospect, it served as my initial foray into crafting narratives.

As time passed, I gravitated towards the horror and crime genres, ultimately penning my first novels, "Sunshine" and "Son of a Bitch," which delve into the gritty underworld of criminal activity. These early works paved the way for my latest endeavor, "Urbex Predator," a chilling exploration into the world of urban exploration. This book allowed me to merge my love for exploring forgotten places with my lifelong dedication to storytelling, creating a unique and immersive experience for readers.

📙 Is this your first book?

Jens: No, "Urbex Predator" is actually my third fictional book and my sixth overall. My writing journey started with crime novels such as "Sunshine" and "Son of a Bitch," which explore the gritty underworld of criminal activity. Each book has been a learning experience, helping me hone my craft and expand my storytelling abilities. "Urbex Predator" is the culmination of my passion for urban exploration and my love for writing horror, blending real-life experiences with elements of suspense and terror. It's been a thrilling journey, and I'm excited to see where my writing will take me next.

📙With this particular book, how did you publish – traditional, small press, Indie, etc. – and why did you choose this method?

Jens: With "Urbex Predator," I chose to self-publish. This decision came after my initial experiences with traditional publishing avenues, where I found the process challenging and often disheartening. Traditional publishers frequently favor established authors with a proven track record and large followings, which can make it tough for new writers to break in.

I initially tried to go the traditional route with my first two novels, preparing neat packages, chasing contacts at conventions, and even working with book agencies. However, the results were less than satisfying. Many companies didn't respond to my submissions, and the feedback from agencies didn't lead to any tangible progress.

Self-publishing offered me the freedom to bring my book directly to readers without the gatekeepers of traditional publishing. While it requires wearing many hats—author, marketer, promoter, and social media manager—it also allows for greater control over the creative and marketing processes. Given my background in design and my passion for storytelling, self-publishing was a natural fit. This method empowers me to share my work on my terms and connect directly with my audience.

📙Can you tell us a little about your publishing journey?  The pros and cons?

Jens: Absolutely. The journey of self-publishing "Urbex Predator" has been both rewarding and challenging, with each step offering its own set of advantages and drawbacks.

One of the most significant advantages of self-publishing is the complete creative control it affords. I had the freedom to design my cover, choose the layout, and make every decision about the book's content without having to compromise with a publisher. Additionally, self-publishing allows for a much quicker turnaround time. Traditional publishing can take months or even years from manuscript submission to publication, but with self-publishing, I was able to bring "Urbex Predator" to market in a fraction of that time.

Another benefit is the higher percentage of royalties I receive compared to what traditional publishers typically offer, which means more of the profits go directly to me. Moreover, self-publishing has allowed me to build a direct relationship with my readers. I can receive feedback more quickly and adjust my marketing strategies accordingly, creating a more interactive and engaging experience.

However, self-publishing comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest drawbacks is the need to invest money upfront. Costs can include editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing, and these expenses can add up quickly. Without the backing of a traditional publisher, all the marketing and promotional efforts fall on my shoulders. This can be both time-consuming and challenging, as it requires skills beyond writing, such as social media management and advertising.

Distribution can also be a challenge. While platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) make it easy to distribute ebooks, getting physical copies into brick-and-mortar bookstores is more challenging for self-published authors. Additionally, there is still a stigma associated with self-publishing, and it can be harder to gain recognition and credibility in the literary world compared to traditionally published authors.

Despite these challenges, the self-publishing route has been incredibly fulfilling. It allows me to stay true to my vision and connect directly with readers, and every success feels even more rewarding knowing the amount of personal effort that went into it. The journey has taught me a lot about resilience, creativity, and the business side of being an author, and I wouldn't trade those lessons for anything.

📙What lessons do you feel you learned about your particular publishing journey and about the publishing industry as a whole?

Jens: My self-publishing journey with "Urbex Predator" has been a profound learning experience, offering valuable insights about both the self-publishing process and the broader publishing industry.

One of the key lessons I've learned is the importance of persistence and resilience. The path to self-publishing is fraught with challenges, from the initial stages of writing and editing to the complexities of marketing and distribution. It's essential to stay committed and adaptable, continuously learning and refining strategies to overcome obstacles. This journey has reinforced the idea that success in self-publishing doesn't come overnight; it requires consistent effort and dedication.

Another crucial lesson is the significance of building a personal brand and engaging with readers. In the absence of a traditional publisher's marketing machinery, connecting directly with the audience becomes paramount. Social media platforms, author websites, and reader communities are invaluable tools for creating a loyal readership. Engaging with readers not only helps in promoting the book but also provides valuable feedback that can guide future writing projects.

I've also come to understand the multifaceted role an author must play in the self-publishing world. Beyond writing, an author must wear many hats—those of a marketer, promoter, designer, and even a business strategist. Each of these roles demands its own set of skills, and mastering them is essential for a successful self-publishing venture. For instance, learning about SEO, social media marketing, and the nuances of ebook formatting has been an eye-opener.

Regarding the publishing industry as a whole, one of the most striking lessons is the democratization of publishing that self-publishing platforms have enabled. Traditional publishing can be highly gatekept, often favoring established authors or those with substantial followings. Self-publishing levels the playing field, allowing anyone with a compelling story to share it with the world. This democratization, however, also means the market is saturated, making it imperative to produce high-quality work and effective marketing strategies to stand out.

Another lesson is the value of professional collaborations. While self-publishing offers autonomy, it's also important to recognize when to seek professional help. Whether it's hiring a professional editor, a cover designer, or a marketing expert, investing in these areas can significantly enhance the quality and success of a book. My collaboration with an ebook formatter, for example, ensured that "Urbex Predator" provided a seamless reading experience.

In summary, my self-publishing journey has taught me the importance of persistence, the necessity of building a personal brand, the multifaceted nature of the author's role, and the democratizing power of self-publishing platforms. It has also highlighted the value of professional collaborations in producing a high-quality book. These lessons have not only shaped my approach to publishing but have also provided a deeper understanding of the industry's evolving landscape.

📙Would you recommend this method of publishing to other authors?

Jens: Absolutely, I would recommend the self-publishing route to other authors, but with a few caveats. Self-publishing offers a unique set of advantages that can be incredibly rewarding for authors who are willing to put in the work. It provides complete creative control over the content, cover design, and marketing strategy. This freedom allows authors to bring their vision to life without the constraints often imposed by traditional publishing houses.

However, self-publishing also demands a significant investment of time, effort, and sometimes money. Authors need to be prepared to take on multiple roles beyond writing, including marketing, promotion, and sometimes even design. It's crucial to have a clear plan and be ready to learn new skills or hire professionals to handle certain aspects, such as editing and cover design.

One of the biggest benefits of self-publishing is the ability to directly connect with readers and build a personal brand. Engaging with your audience through social media, author websites, and reader communities can create a loyal fan base and provide invaluable feedback. Additionally, self-publishing platforms like Amazon KDP make it relatively easy to distribute your book globally, giving you access to a wide audience.

On the downside, the market is highly saturated, and standing out requires effective marketing and high-quality content. It's also worth noting that self-publishing can be a lonely journey without the support and validation that often come with a traditional publishing deal.

In summary, I would recommend self-publishing to authors who are ready to take on the challenges and embrace the opportunities it offers. It can be a highly rewarding path, especially for those who are proactive, resilient, and eager to connect directly with their readers.

📙What’s the best advice you can give to aspiring authors?

Jens: Writing and publishing is a journey. Don't expect to become famous overnight; it's a long and rocky road that leads to success. Enjoy every step and find happiness in the process. Celebrate the small victories, learn from the setbacks, and keep pushing forward. Remember, the joy of writing and sharing your story with the world is an achievement in itself. Stay passionate, stay persistent, and most importantly, stay true to your creative vision.


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