Book Publishing Secrets with Children's Author Donna McDine

Book Title: Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters
Genre: children’s
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
Thank you for your time in answering our questions about getting published.  Let’s begin by having you explain to us why you decided to become an author and pen this book?
Donna: As long as I can remember I have always enjoyed immersing myself in books and I hope to invoke the same feelings into my readers.
Is this your first book?
Donna: No, this is my fifth children’s book.
With this particular book, how did you publish – traditional, small press, Indie, etc. – and why did you choose this method?
Donna: I went the small press route with Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. I went with Guardian Angel Publishing because I immediately was drawn to the family feel and care Lynda Burch takes with her authors and illustrators.
Can you tell us a little about your publishing journey?  The pros and cons?
Donna: Patience intertwined with determination of learning the writing craft and not rushing the process is essential. The road to publication is a long one. Depending on the speed of your publisher, from the time of submission, to hopefully editing process then publication in my experience it can take anywhere from one to three years for your book to see the light of day, especially if illustrations are involved.
What lessons do you feel you learned about your particular publishing journey and about the publishing industry as a whole?
Donna: Everyone’s experience on publishing rollercoaster is unique. Don’t be so worried about comparing yourself to others. Success comes in all shapes. Write what you love. Study publisher submission guidelines and follow them to the letter. This is not time to think outside the box. Publisher submission guidelines are in place for a reason. Adhere to them.
Would you recommend this method of publishing to other Donnas?
Donna: It honestly depends what your wants and needs are. As for me, the experience with a small publisher has been a positive one.
What’s the best advice you can give to aspiring Donnas?
Donna: Seek out writer critique groups, attend workshops and join the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. The wealth of information and assistance is outstanding!
Thank you for interviewing me. I enjoyed visiting with you and your readers.

Title: Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters
Genre: children’s
Author: Donna McDine
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
About the Book: The anxiety of finding one’s own place and friends in kindergarten without the comfort of having her fraternal twin sister nearby at first overwhelms Dee until she realizes even without her fraternal twin sister, Dee and her classmates for the most part are in the same boat.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time out to interview. Your questions were thought provoking. Best, Donna
