Book Publishing Secrets with Suspense Author Gabriel Valjan

Genre: Mystery. Suspense. Thriller.
Publisher: Winter Goose Publishing
Thank you for your time in answering our questions about getting published.  Let’s begin by having you explain to us why you decided to become an author and pen this book?
Gabriel: Like most writers, I enjoy telling a story. I get to inhabit different ways of thinking, feel emotions, and live a vicarious set of experiences. Once I’ve set up the premise, the characters began living their own lives and I was along for the ride with them.
Is this your first book?
Gabriel: No. Corporate Citizen is the fifth book in the Roma Series, but not the last. I provide readers with the first chapter of Book Six.
With this particular book, how did you publish – traditional, small press, Indie, etc. – and why did you choose this method?
Gabriel: Winter Goose Publishing is a traditional publisher, with a growing reputation for talent in multiple genres, especially poetry. WGP turned five-year in 2016. Visit the WGP web site, sign up for emails and you’ll receive a free book, written by yours truly.
Can you tell us a little about your publishing journey?  The pros and cons?
Gabriel: I started writing short stories in 2010. A colleague had challenged me to write a short story with a strong female protagonist. That story was the genesis of the Roma Series. I had had such fun with Alabaster that I expanded on the story and turned it into a novel, which I submitted to Winter Goose in late 2011. One day I received an email that my novel, Roma, Underground, had been accepted. I would work with the talented editor, James Logan, have a say in the design of the artwork for the Roma Series. If there were any ‘cons,’ I would say that, like many authors, visibility is challenging. I remain positive, however, as I’m slowly building a following for the Roma Series.
What lessons do you feel you learned about your particular publishing journey and about the publishing industry as a whole?
Gabriel: The paramount lesson I learned is this: Write what you want to write. Don’t subscribe to trends or think you can time the market. Develop your skills and have fun. Yes, there are things that you can do to promote yourself, but use your energy wisely. There are experts, and there are also unscrupulous types out there. My take on all of this is to do the best you can, don’t worry yourself sick, and keep writing.
Would you recommend this method of publishing to other authors?
Gabriel: I can only speak to my experience with Winter Goose Publishing. I have heard anecdotal stories where authors had little to no say in the editing process, cover art, or that they had to be cautious about which battles they would take on because they weren’t ‘established.’ My experience with Winter Goose Publishing, a reputable publisher, has been very positive.
What’s the best advice you can give to aspiring authors?
Gabriel: Write, keep writing, and strive to improve your craft. Honor your reader, have gratitude that they have spent their precious time reading your creation.

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